Thursday, February 8, 2007

And we're off!

Well, I successfully packed. I was able to pack two suitcases that are both under 50 pounds! For those of you who have ever seen my dorm room, you understand what an accomplishment this really is. I'm a little worried that one of them is oversized (I don't understand why this matters if it's under 50 lbs, but hopefully they won't notice).

And as for my emotions, I'm kind of mixed right now. I always am when I go back for a semester, so nothing new. I'm excited (obviously) but also sad due to what I'll leave behind. But if my experience before is any indication as to how this semester might go, I know that after a week or so I'll be pumped to be back in the swing of things.

I leave tomorrow, as I've detailed below, and I should get there around 6 pm on Friday East Coast time.

And thus begins my Australian adventure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY MUHAHAHAHAHHA HAVE FUN... yes i'm a huge creep :-)