Saturday, July 7, 2007

Last Day of School: Photo Class Day 11

On Thursday morning we touched up our black and white prints. Some of my prints had tiny spots on them where the picture was missing, so we had to fill them in with a special ink. Then I had time to make extra prints just for myself that I didn’t have to turn in. In the afternoon, we learned how to measure and cut our mattes for our picture. Then they were framed and we took them over to the gallery.

At the gallery, our teachers and the gallery curator decided what pictures went where according to theme and style. Then we hung them so the center was 1.5 meters off the ground, since that is the average eye level of people. After that, I had to decide on titles for my pictures and set a price for them in case anyone was crazy enough to buy them. It was another longish day, but it was very familiar to me. At the end of every semester, I spend most of my time editing video in the editing dungeons and then I am rewarded with a visit home. I’m glad that even in Australia, I have a familiar ending to my semester.

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