Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Vox Pops

Yesterday we started our second week of classes. It was radio day for my half of the group. In the morning, we had to get “vox pops” which stands for vox populi or “voice of the people.” In the U.S., we call it “man on the street,” and basically you interview ordinary people about an issue. My group asked students and adults “What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘American.’” I came to the basic conculsion: they like us as a people, but they HATE our government. Most of them mentioned Dubbya in some fashion, and they all disagreed with the war. That was pretty interesting. Then in the afternoon, we made our own 10 minute radio show, which was quite hysterical.

Today was film/documentary day. We learned about film theory in the morning, which reminded me why I’m a TV major and not a film major. We started off talking about documentaries, and how they’re biased. Which is fine. But eventually our discussion turned into “what is reality,” “does reality exist,” “is what we call orange really orange, or have we just agreed what is orange but we all see orange differently?” Yuck. I hate philosophy. TV kids don’t think that much.

Tomorrow our whole group leaves for a field trip to the Southwest. What relation this has to our studies, I’m not really sure, but it should be pretty fun. We leave tomorrow, camp overnight, and come home on Thursday. I’ll be sure to update. :-)

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